Series 4
Biomorphic Abstraction
有機形狀的流動性充斥在 “Biomorphic Abstraction” 系列當中, 標誌著魯賓斯坦不受思潮與介質限制的兼容風格。在他恣意遊走於動勢、即興和精準邊緣而巧妙編排出的動態視覺體驗中,富有表現力的色塊和輪廓斷交錯推擠,消弭了個別元素的識別性,讓畫布猶如新堆肥的 泥地一樣,充滿新生的可能性;而羅織布局的線條和顏料團塊,更如即將破土而出的有機生物體,為魯賓斯坦直觀奔放的藝術手法做了最勃發抖擻的例示。
The "Biomorphic Abstraction" series is characterized by an abundance of organic shapes, showcasing Rubenstein's versatile style that transcends artistic trends and mediums. Within this series, Rubenstein demonstrates a skillful mastery of arranging dynamic visual experiences, effortlessly moving between elements of motion, improvisation, and precision.
In this artistic realm, expressive blocks of color and intersecting contours seamlessly blend and converge, blurring the distinctive boundaries of individual elements. The canvas itself takes on the potential of freshly cultivated soil, teeming with creative possibilities.
Simultaneously, the interwoven lines and clusters of pigments in the composition evoke the emergence of organic life forms, vividly illustrating Rubenstein's intuitively exuberant artistic approach.
The Corrigan Milkshake
acrylic, oil, charcoal on canvas
198 x 130 cm
Fields of Joy
oil, enamel, fabric on canvas
166 x 232 cm