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C Square Gallery 很榮幸地宣佈,將於 2024 年 8 月 31 日推出《邂逅:藏家珍藏特選展》。匯集了雕塑家蔡尉成自 2009 至 2014 年期間的精選佳作,展示了他六年間的創作歷程與藝術探索。這些作品不僅代表了藝術家在創作中的堅持與熱忱,更展示了藏家在選擇和收藏過程中的深思熟慮與鑒賞力。

C Square Gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition, "Converge: Collector's Collection Special Exhibition", which will open on August 31, 2024. This exhibition will feature a curated selection of sculptor Tsai Wei-Cheng's works from 2009 to 2014. These pieces not only represent the artist's creative journey and artistic exploration but also showcase the collector's careful consideration and discerning taste.

Artist intro.

蔡尉成,1971 年出生,師從於台灣知名抽象雕塑家謝棟樑。他的藝術風格深受中國傳統文化與當代生活哲思的雙重影響,特別是《西遊記》中豐富的意象和故事,作品充滿了獨特的文化內涵與當代精神。在蔡尉成的創作中,他不斷嘗試將自然界的不具象現象,如風、雲、氣,透過具象化的方式,融入他的雕塑作品中,從而在作品中表現出深刻的情感與哲理。


Born in 1971, Tsai Wei-Cheng was a student of Taiwan's renowned abstract sculptor, Hsieh Tung-Liang. His artistic style is deeply influenced by the dual currents of Chinese traditional culture and contemporary life philosophy. Particularly, the rich imagery and stories from "The Journey to the West" have infused his works with unique cultural depth and a modern spirit. Throughout Tsai's creations, he continually strives to encapsulate abstract natural phenomena such as wind, clouds, and energy into tangible forms, embedding profound emotions and philosophical reflections within his sculptures.

Tsai Wei-Cheng's works are not merely representations of natural phenomena; they are also projections of the artist's own identity. In his sculptures, Sun Wukong is more than a mythological hero; he is a reflection of Tsai's inner world. Through this figure, Tsai attempts to convey the abstract emotions within him, bringing them into the physical realm for the viewer to experience. The characteristics of Sun Wukong—humor, bravery, and agility—are precisely the traits Tsai seeks to embody in his art. He expresses the ever-changing nature of wind, clouds, and energy through a sculptural language that is rounded yet dynamic, transforming these natural forces into a visible artistic expression.

Confidence 行風

《行風》(正面)2013 青銅 100 x 62 x 85 cm

"Confidence (Front)2013 Bronze 100 x 62 x 85 cm

《行風》(背面)2013 青銅 100 x 62 x 85 cm

"Confidence (Back)2013 Bronze 100 x 62 x 85 cm

「眼一瞪 覽無遺

腿一蹬 跨千里」


A centerpiece of this exhibition is "Wind Form" (2013), Tsai Wei-Cheng's endeavor to personify and give form to the natural phenomenon of wind. Wind, as an invisible and untouchable force of nature, presents an immense challenge to any artist. Tsai, however, through careful observation and deep understanding, has captured its essence within a sculpted figure of Sun Wukong. As one of the most emblematic characters in "The Journey to the West", Sun Wukong embodies fluidity and transformation, qualities that parallel the nature of wind. By selecting Sun Wukong as the vehicle for wind, Tsai has skillfully captured the transient and dynamic energy of this natural force through meticulous sculpting and inspired design.




"Converge: Collector's Collection Special Exhibition" is not merely a retrospective of Tsai Wei-Cheng's creative journey over the past six years; it is also a true reflection of the profound relationship between the artist and the collector. In these curated works, viewers can clearly see the resonance between the artist and the collector. The emotions and dedication that the artist poured into his creations have been preserved and cherished by the collector, and they are now presented once again in this exhibition. These works are not only the fruits of the artist's labor but also testimonies to the collector's heartfelt guardianship.


The exhibition's title "Converge" aptly captures the seemingly fateful and romantic meeting between artist and collector. Behind each work lies the artist's dedication and passion for creation, as well as the collector's deep understanding and reverence for art. Through these timeless pieces, we invite you to witness the encounters between the artist and the collector and to experience the profound emotions and lasting impact they bring.

Guide Tour 預約導覽



 “Converge: Collector’s Collection Special Exhibition”


蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng


2024/8/31 - 9/29


C Square Gallery  1 F

2F Exhibition

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